Heal Your Marriage From The Agony of an Affair

Christ-Centered Affair Recovery Programs For Couples

Life Is Too Short To Stay Stuck

The path to recovery is challenging, but the cost of staying stuck in the aftermath of betrayal is far greater. Don’t let your future, marriage, family, and legacy be defined by pain, resentment, regret, and broken dreams.

Experience Real Transformation and Enjoy the Marriage God Wants For You

We Care Because We've Been There

Having been through an affair, we know firsthand the excruciating agony and betrayal accompanying it. But 28 years later, we also know that healing is possible on the other side.

We’ve been helping couples heal and rebuild through this pain for 14 years, and we would love the opportunity to work with you as well.

Hans and Star Molegraaf - Founders of Marriage Revolution
As seen in

Heal and Rebuild With One of Our
Affair Recovery Programs

We provide Christ-centered, research-based recovery programs for couples who are going through the pain and betrayal of an affair.


Our small group intensives are held once per month, from Friday through Sunday, in The Woodlands, Texas. They provide a transformative, supportive, and empathetic environment to start or supplement your transformation journey.

Our two and three-day private intensives offer a confidential and more personalized level of care, as well as weekly follow-up coaching to provide ongoing support for you and your spouse to heal and rebuild your marriage.

How It Works

Book Your Exploratory Call

We'll spend 30 minutes together so I can understand your situation, provide some immediate relief, and answer any of your questions.

Choose Your Program

Together, we will choose the program that will lead to the transformation you desire.

Experience Your Transformation

Real connection, rock-solid trust, renewed commitment, rekindled romance, and a restored family are closer than you think.

Stop The Pain And Start Rebuilding

Time will not fix things, and there is too much at stake to risk doing this alone. This doesn’t have to be a marathon of pain. We can help you heal and rebuild your marriage for good. 


Develop a strong foundation for a renewed relationship, fostering long-term resilience, understanding, and intimacy.

A compassionate, non-judgmental space where both partners can openly express their feelings, rebuild trust, and reconnect emotionally.

An immersive, concentrated approach that accelerates the healing process, helping couples make significant progress in a shorter time frame.

Gain practical strategies, communication skills, and coping mechanisms to address underlying issues and prevent future challenges.

Your Future Marriage Family Legacy Is Worth Fighting For

The average cost of a divorce with children is $23,500; without children, it is $15,600. 

Additionally, the emotional toll of a divorce on you, your spouse, your children, your family, and even your friends should not be underestimated.

Each of our transformative programs is priced significantly lower than both of these numbers.

But this is more than just about the money. This is about your future, marriage, family, and legacy. All of these things are priceless.

Looking back, I would have invested just about anything to experience the transformation we still benefit from today. The long-term benefits of our program are truly priceless.

Healing and rebuilding your marriage doesn’t have to be a marathon.

Book your exploratory call below to start your marriage transformation today.

There is Hope For Your Marriage!

Take the first step of healing today.

Click the button below to book your 30-minute exploratory call.

Together, we can determine which program will provide you with the best results.

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