Goals Date Night


This next year can be your best yet. But it will only happen if you set some goals and have a plan to reach those goals.

You probably have good intentions for this, but it will only happen if you are already moving in this direction. Andy Stanley says it this way:

โ€œDirection, not intention, determines your destination.โ€

Tonight, we want to help you get moving in the right direction.

One of the ways to start this process is to lay out a plan. We plan our vacations and businesses, but only some people have a plan for their marriage. God wants you to be intentional in laying out a plan for your marriage to be better this year than ever before.


  • Think about your relationship this past year. What are some areas you need to grow in as a couple?
  • Talk about some activities or habits you can START this year to help you grow in these areas.
  • Still thinking about the areas you need to grow in as a couple, what activities do you need to STOP engaging in that might prevent you from growing closer together?


  • Again, thinking about your marriage this past year, what worked? Or, what were some high points in your relationship?
  • What activities or habits contributed to these areas working? Write these down and purpose to CONTINUE doing these things this year.
  • Celebrate these areas, thank God for your marriage, and ask him to strengthen and protect it this year.


  • Enough connecting emotionally and spiritually. Put in a great CD, or put on your favorite Pandora station or playlist and enjoy each other physically (yes, that means sex)!
  • Tomorrow, write out what you committed to START, STOP, and CONTINUE, and put it somewhere you can both see and review frequently throughout the following year.

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